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John Milton Academy Trust

These schools are part of the John Milton Academy Trust. Click on the school's logo to visit their website.

Bacton logoCedars Park logoThe John Milton logoMendlesham logoStowupland logoMulberry logo

Road Safety

As Junior Road Safety Officers, our aim is to make everyone at Mendlesham safer.  It isn’t just about pupils walking to school but learning how to be safe pedestrians and about road users.  We also encourage sustainable travel to and from school and hope to increase understanding that walking is not only good for the environment but also good for you, by making you happier and healthier.

Parking Pledge 

Dear Parents/Carers

In an effort to make the environment safer outside school for our pupils and reduce dangerous congestion, I am asking parents to commit to a parking pledge if you drive your children to and from school.

By committing to the parking pledge, you are agreeing to:

- Only drive to school when necessary and encourage some or all of the journey to be on foot. Pupils can be dropped or collected some distance away from the school road in order to avoid congestion.

- Park sensibly and safely outside the school, away from school zigzag lines or within 10m of a junction or double yellow lines.

- Park well away from the school gates so vision is not obstructed for pupils leaving the school site and crossing the roads.

- Keep within low speed limits outside school.

- Keep the hatching, outside the main entrance clear.

- Respect residents by not parking in resident bays, over driveways or on pavements.

Thank you.