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John Milton Academy Trust

These schools are part of the John Milton Academy Trust. Click on the school's logo to visit their website.

Bacton logoCedars Park logoThe John Milton logoMendlesham logoStowupland logoMulberry logo

Mulberry Specialist Education Unit

The Mulberry is split across two classes, known as Holly and Cherry Class.  There is a current maximum of 9 children in each class. Most lessons are whole class teaching, with some focused and small group work. Interventions are targeted to pupils’ individual needs. Each pupil’s EHCP is considered in the planning of the curriculum offer; this is complemented by a range of learning that builds essential life skills, enriches their life experiences and fosters personal development.

Children from Mulberry integrate with the main school children daily during recreational times and for a range of curriculum and extra-curricular events, including: lessons, assemblies, productions, visits and residential visits (as appropriate). 

The curriculum in both classes focusses on developing the whole child. Key areas of focus are:

  • Social, communication and language skills

  • Literacy

  • Numeracy

  • Life skills and experiences

  • Personal development